Configuration ============= Donfig is meant to be used by other packages or scripts that need to configure their own environment and make it easy for their users to modify it too. A Donfig configuration object must be named. Typically this name matches the name of the package being configured. For all of the examples below the package name ``mypkg`` is used, but your package name should be substituted for your configuration. Donfig configuration options can be used to control any aspect of a package that may not be suited for a keyword argument or would otherwise be difficult for a user to configure. This might be to control logging verbosity, specify cluster configuration, provide credentials for security, or any of several other options that arise in production. Configuration is specified in one of the following ways: 1. YAML files in specified paths (see below) 2. Environment variables like ``MYPKG_DISTRIBUTED__SCHEDULER__WORK_STEALING=True`` 3. Default settings within sub-libraries This combination makes it easy to specify configuration in a variety of settings ranging from personal workstations, to IT-mandated configuration, to docker images. Configuration Object -------------------- .. autosummary:: donfig.Config.__init__ The main way to use a Donfig configuration object is to make your own in your packages ```` module and access it through the rest of your package by importing it. To initialize the config object: .. code-block:: python from donfig import Config config = Config('mypkg') This will initialize the configuration object with information found from YAML files in the above mentioned paths and environment variables. Paths to search for YAML files can be customized as well as default options: .. code-block:: python config = Config('mypkg', defaults=[{'key1': 'default_val'}], paths=['/usr/local/etc/']) Access Configuration -------------------- .. autosummary:: donfig.Config.get Once the configuration object is created, settings can be accessed using the ``get`` method. To get a sense for what the configuration is in the current system the ``pprint`` method can be used to print the current state of the configuration. .. code-block:: python >>> from mypkg import config >>> config.pprint() { 'logging': { 'distributed': 'info', 'bokeh': 'critical', 'tornado': 'critical', } 'admin': { 'log-format': '%(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s' } } >>> config.get('logging') {'distributed': 'info', 'bokeh': 'critical', 'tornado': 'critical'} >>> config.get('logging.bokeh') # use `.` for nested access 'critical' Note that the ``get`` function treats underscores and hyphens identically. For example, ``mypkg.config.get('num_workers')`` is equivalent to ``mypkg.config.get('num-workers')``. Specify Configuration --------------------- YAML files ~~~~~~~~~~ You can specify configuration values in YAML files like the following: .. code-block:: yaml logging: distributed: info bokeh: critical tornado: critical scheduler: work-stealing: True allowed-failures: 5 admin: log-format: '%(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s' These files can live in any of the following locations: 1. The ``~/.config/mypkg`` directory in the user's home directory 2. The ``{sys.prefix}/etc/mypkg`` directory local to Python 3. The ``{prefix}/etc/mypkg`` directories with ``{prefix}`` in `site.PREFIXES `_ 4. The root directory (specified by the ``MYPKG_ROOT_CONFIG`` environment variable or ``/etc/mypkg/`` by default) Donfig searches for *all* YAML files within each of these directories and merges them together, preferring configuration files closer to the user over system configuration files (preference follows the order in the list above). Additionally users can specify a path with the ``MYPKG_CONFIG`` environment variable, that takes precedence at the top of the list above. The contents of these YAML files are merged together, allowing different subprojects to manage configuration files separately, but have them merge into the same global configuration (ex. ``dask``, ``dask-kubernetes``, ``dask-ml``). Environment Variables ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can also specify configuration values with environment variables like the following: .. code-block:: bash export MYPKG_DISTRIBUTED__SCHEDULER__WORK_STEALING=True export MYPKG_DISTRIBUTED__SCHEDULER__ALLOWED_FAILURES=5 resulting in configuration values like the following: .. code-block:: python {'distributed': {'scheduler': {'work-stealing': True, 'allowed-failures': 5} } } Donfig searches for all environment variables that start with ``MYPKG_``, then transforms keys by converting to lower case and changing double-underscores to nested structures. Donfig tries to parse all values with `ast.literal_eval `_, letting users pass numeric and boolean values (such as ``True`` in the example above) as well as lists, dictionaries, and so on with normal Python syntax. Environment variables take precedence over configuration values found in YAML files. Defaults ~~~~~~~~ Additionally, individual subprojects may add their own default values when they are imported. These are always added with lower priority than the YAML files or environment variables mentioned above. .. code-block:: python >>> import mypkg.config >>> import mypkg.distributed >>> mypkg.config.pprint() # New values have been added {'scheduler': ..., 'worker': ..., 'tls': ...} Deprecations ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Over the life of a project configuration keys may be changed or removed. Donfig allows specifying these changes through a ``deprecations`` dictionary. The key of this mapping is the old deprecated key name and the value is the new name or ``None`` to declare that the old key has been removed. .. code-block:: python >>> deprecations = {"old_key": "new_key", "invalid": None} >>> config = Config("mypkg", deprecations=deprecations) >>> config.set(old_key="test") UserWarning: Configuration key "old_key" has been deprecated. Please use "new_key" instead. >>> config.set(invalid="value") Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: Configuration value "invalid" has been removed >>> config.set(another_key="another_value") Directly within Python ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. autosummary:: donfig.Config.set Additionally, you can temporarily set a configuration value using the ``mypkg.config.set`` function. This function accepts a dictionary as an input and interprets ``"."`` as nested access .. code-block:: python >>> mypkg.config.set({'': True}) This function can also be used as a context manager for consistent cleanup. .. code-block:: python with mypkg.config.set({'': True}): ... Note that the ``set`` function treats underscores and hyphens identically. For example, ``mypkg.config.set({'': True})`` is equivalent to ``mypkg.config.set({'scheduler.work_stealing': True})``. Distributing configuration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It may also be desirable to package up your whole configuration for use on another machine. This is used in some libraries (ex. Dask Distributed) to ensure remote components have the same configuration as your local system. This is typically handled by the downstream libraries which use base64 encoding to pass config via the ``MYPKG_INTERNAL_INHERIT_CONFIG`` environment variable. .. autosummary:: donfig.serialize donfig.deserialize donfig.Config.serialize Conversion Utility ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It is possible to configure Donfig inline with dot notation, with YAML or via environment variables. You can enter your own configuration items below to convert back and forth. .. warning:: This utility is designed to improve understanding of converting between different notations and does not claim to be a perfect implementation. Please use for reference only. **YAML** .. raw:: html **Environment variable** .. raw:: html **Inline with dot notation** .. raw:: html Updating Configuration ---------------------- Manipulating configuration dictionaries ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. autosummary:: donfig.Config.merge donfig.Config.update donfig.Config.expand_environment_variables As described above, configuration can come from many places, including several YAML files, environment variables, and project defaults. Each of these provides a configuration that is possibly nested like the following: .. code-block:: python x = {'a': 0, 'c': {'d': 4}} y = {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': {'e': 5}} Dask will merge these configurations respecting nested data structures, and respecting order. .. code-block:: python >>> mypkg.config.pprint() {} >>> mypkg.config.merge(x, y) >>> mypkg.config.pprint() {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': {'d': 4, 'e': 5}} You can also use the ``update`` method to update the existing configuration in place with a new configuration. This can be done with priority being given to either config. .. code-block:: python mypkg.config.update(new, priority='new') # Give priority to new values mypkg.config.update(new, priority='old') # Give priority to old values Sometimes it is useful to expand environment variables stored within a configuration. This can be done with the ``expand_environment_variables`` method: .. code-block:: python mypkg.config.expand_environment_variables() Refreshing Configuration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. autosummary:: donfig.Config.collect donfig.Config.refresh If you change your environment variables or YAML files the configuration object will not immediately see the changes. Instead, you can call ``refresh`` to go through the configuration collection process and update the default configuration. .. code-block:: python >>> mypkg.config.pprint() {} >>> # make some changes to yaml files >>> mypkg.config.refresh() >>> mypkg.config.pprint() {...} This function uses ``donfig.Config.collect``, which returns the configuration without modifying the global configuration. You might use this to determine the configuration of particular paths not yet on the config path. .. code-block:: python >>> mypkg.config.collect(paths=[...]) {...} Downstream Libraries -------------------- .. autosummary:: donfig.Config.ensure_file donfig.Config.update donfig.Config.update_defaults One way to structure the configuration of a series of downstream packages and one central package is to follow the model used by Dask. Dask downstream libraries often follow a standard convention to use the central Dask configuration. This section provides recommendations for integration of new downstream libraries to the ``mypkg`` example, using another fictional project, ``mypkg-foo``, as an example. Downstream projects can follow the following convention: 1. Maintain default configuration in a YAML file within their source directory:: mypkg_foo/ mypkg_foo/ mypkg_foo/ mypkg_foo/foo.yaml # <--- 2. Place configuration in that file within a namespace for the project .. code-block:: yaml # mypkg_foo/foo.yaml foo: color: red admin: a: 1 b: 2 3. With the configuration for ``mypkg_foo`` in ``mypkg_foo/`` (or anywhere) load the default ``mypkg`` config and update it into the global configuration: .. code-block:: python # mypkg_foo/ import os import yaml import mypkg.config fn = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'foo.yaml') with open(fn) as f: defaults = yaml.load(f) mypkg.config.update_defaults(defaults) 4. Within that same module, copy the ``'foo.yaml'`` file to the user's configuration directory if it doesn't already exist. We also comment the file to make it easier for us to change defaults in the future. .. code-block:: python # ... continued from above mypkg.config.ensure_file(source=fn, comment=True) The user can investigate ``~/.config/mypkg/*.yaml`` to see all of the commented out configuration files to which they have access. 5. Ensure that this file is run on import by including it in ``mypkg_foo/`` if not already there. 6. Within ``mypkg_foo`` code, use the ``mypkg.config.get`` function to access configuration values: .. code-block:: python # dask_foo/ def process(fn, color=None): if color is None: color = mypkg.config.get('foo.color') ... .. note:: The config object is accessed as runtime instead of at import (in the function declaration) in case users customize the value later. 7. You may also want to ensure that your yaml configuration files are included in your package. This can be accomplished by including the following line in your ````:: recursive-include *.yaml and the following in your ``setup`` call .. code-block:: python from setuptools import setup setup(..., include_package_data=True, ...) This process keeps configuration in a central place, but also keeps it safe within namespaces. It places config files in an easy to access location ,``~/.config/mypkg/\*.yaml`` by default so that users can easily discover what they can change, but maintains the actual defaults within the source code, so that they more closely track changes in the library. However, downstream libraries may choose alternative solutions, such as isolating their configuration within their library, rather than using the global mypkg.config system.